A friend in high school thought it was funny that my name rhymed like this, I made it the title of my blog then and have yet to see a reason to change it.

January 07, 2013

Top 10s of 2012


5. Halo 4
4. Journey
3. Mass Effect 3
2. Minecraft
1. Borderlands 2

10. Skyfall
9. Five Year Engagement
8. Silver Linings Playbook
7. Dredd
6. Looper
5. The Raid
4. Cabin in the Woods
3. Django Unchained
2. The Dark Knight Rises
1. The Avengers

10. Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror
9. Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles (III)
8. Baroness - Yellow & Green
7. Santigold - Master of My Make Believe
6. Blood Red Shoes - In Time to Voices
5. The Shins - Port of Morrow
4. Metric - Synthetica
3. Passion Pit - Gossamer
2. Silversun Pickups - Neck of the Woods
1. John Samson - Provincial

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