A friend in high school thought it was funny that my name rhymed like this, I made it the title of my blog then and have yet to see a reason to change it.
February 18, 2007
Photo for 2-16
Photo for 2-12
February 11, 2007
February 10, 2007
Photo for 2-8
Haley Swindale the "director" and Katie Curtis the "music director" share a song in the play 12 Angry Thespians which is one of the acts for the Pauper's Players performance Broadway Melodies.
I shot this as an assignment for the DTH, I sat in on their dress rehearsal so the paper can run a preview of the performance.
February 09, 2007
Photos for 2-6
This first photo is from a chocolate tasting class that I got to shoot for the DTH.
Judy Sladen and Margo Ginsburg, along with other Chapel Hill residents, learn the finer points of tasting chocolate from Jonathan Wallace on Tuesday night at 3 Cups. Here they smell cacao beans to get a better understanding of where chocolate comes from.
The second photo is also for a DTH assignment.
Charlene Rose performs her spoken word poem "Klutsy Krush" at Ill Vibes, an event thrown by the NAACP UNC-CH Chapter on Tuesday night in the Cabaret of the student Union. The event was intended to provide a safe alternative form of entertainment for students and hosted a collection of jazz, r & b, and poetry performances.
February 07, 2007
February 06, 2007
Global Justice Conference
In D.C. for the week
end. Emira Woods was the key note speaker for the Global Justice conference. It was an opportunity for students to meet people with similar concerns for global health and learn more about the issues and what they can do. I particularly learned about Fair trade, the Global Funds, and thanks to Stephen Lewis' commencement speech I got few ideas of what I can do to help as a journalist.
The Conference took place on GW campus, mainly in Funger
and Ross halls. This little building was on the way past them. I love the size of it compared to the scale of the buildings around it.
The Subway in D.c. is a lot nicer than in NY, the side were really cool and so i decide to take a picture of them and managed to see the train coming in.
February 01, 2007
My Studio Shots
After Lauren got her main shot, we experimented a little with a disco ball. The first three shots are with the strobes firing, and it gave of this interesting light. I love the reflections from the disco ball, in the last photo Pat was telling us to try and capture a burst from the reflections on the disco ball but the best i could manage was some lens glare (though I still think it looks cool).
In Studio
1. the Old Well, I really like the symmetry of this shot.
2. Old Well again, I tried to capture the reflection on the bricks.
3. the bench, I don't know if it has a name, but I've been promising my mother a photo of it.
4. This I shot for a feature for the newspaper. I'm guessing it's a snow king commanding his snow army in front of their snow castle, there was no one around to ask exactly what was being depicted.